Custom Pre-Treatment Systems and Wash Booths

Custom Pre-Treatment Systems and Wash Booths

High-Pressure Metal Cleaning, Pre-Treatment and Recovery Systems

Need a new pre-treatment system? Riveer’s experience with custom pre-treatment systems—from metal cleaning, solution choice to solvent recovery —can help you reduce costs and ensure that you will more effectively achieve your goals.

Custom Pretreatment

As an innovator in the field, Riveer offers unique pre-treatment and high-pressure washing expertise that no other company can match. Riveer has:

  • Designed and fabricated a building with 14 computer-controlled monitors to 
automatically wash construction equipment. Includes 3,000 GPM hot water flow 
to de-ice in winter applications, automatic heavy mud control, and user interface 
that allows the user to select equipment type and leave.
  • Developed and constructed many batch style pretreatment system
  • Designed a completely above-ground rinse system to remove salt deposits 
from U.S. Special Forces helicopters.
  • Integrated ultra-high-pressure water blasting equipment with noise suppressing 
booths and air handling for moisture and breathing air.
  • Designed a system to automatically wash car tires and wheels prior to storage 
for a company performing winter/summer tire swaps.
  • Created an ultra-high-pressure automated wash conveyor to strip paint and 
labels off of LP tanks.

As an innovator in the field, Riveer has pre-treatment experience and 
performance assurance that no other company can match. Phosphatizing, both zinc and iron phosphate, requires compliant recovery and recycling.

The Solution is Clear with Riveer.

The Solution is Clear with Riveer.