Water Polisher
Water Polisher
Clarodor Water Polisher
Low Maintenance Water Polisher Treats and Freshens Wash Water for Ongoing Reuse
Are you pumping muddy water back onto your washrack? Recycling run-off wash water from dirty equipment works just fine for the initial cycle, but soon your captured run-off becomes a dirty – and smelly – source of rinse water. Your wash bay smells like musty, dirty laundry and your rinse stream is as muddy as your waste stream. Your staff hates the chore and your ‘cleaned’ equipment is still covered with a film from previous washes.
The ideal addition to any washing system, the Riveer Clarodor removes offensive odors while
clarifying your wash water for a cleaner rinse… time and time again. Using simple, easy to
maintain technology, the Clarador upgrades your equipment washing system without complex, expensive water polishers costing three times as much.
The Clarador produces clear water that:
- Won’t support the growth of biological contamination (foul odor).
- Doesn’t contain silt that damages pressure washers and nozzles.
- Doesn’t leave a film as it dries.
- Doesn’t damage glossy surfaces.
- Uses common liquid polymer for flocculation.
- Dirt collects through flocculation then settles to the bottom of the tank for easy removal.
- Mixing tubes have no moving parts.
- Auto drain sequence puts the solids into a hopper bag or drum bag for easy disposal.
- Available in a variety of flow rates to support a single operator or a multiple bay complex.
- Automated mixing system is designed to set it and forget it once the system has been installed.
- Simple bypass when not needed; saves on chemical use.
- Skid mounted for plug and play installation in a configuration that suits your wash rack area.